This menu is currently not used by this application
File menu
This menu allows you to quit this application.
File menu
This menu allows you to quit this application. Dimmed now to prevent unauthorized users from quitting.
Select this item to quit this application
Select this item to quit this application. Dimmed now to prevent unauthorized users from quitting.
Options menu
This menu contains options for configuring this application.
Options menu
This menu contains options for configuring this application. This menu has been dimmed to prevent unauthorized changes.
Check this item if you want the trash to be emptied when your computer shuts down (or restarts) and Shutdown Items is running.
Uncheck this item if you do not want the trash to be emptied when your computer shuts down (or restarts) and Shutdown Items is running.
Check this item to have your computer automatically shut down according to options set under "Auto Shut Down Options"
Uncheck this item if you do NOT want your computer to automatically shut down according to options set under "Auto Shut Down Options"
Allows you to set the conditions under which your computer will automatically shut down, if "Automatically Shut Down" is checked.
Lets you choose another computer on the network to shut down if it is running Shutdown Items, and you have the proper network priveleges.
Lets you choose an application on another computer that you want to launch on that computer. The application's volume must be mounted, and you must have the proper network priveleges.
Select this menu item to launch all items found in the Shutdown Items folder (useful for testing purposes)
Lets you disable File & Options menus, so that the current options can't be changed, and to prevent unauthorized users from quitting this application. Use OPTION to enable/disable another copy of Shutdown Items.
Select the day you want a weekly automatic shutdown to occur
Click this button, or press RETURN or ENTER, to save these options. "Automatically Shut Down" must be checked (in Options menu) before an automatic shutdown can take place.
Click this button, or type COMMAND-PERIOD, to cancel this dialog and not save changes.
Check this box to issue a "Restart" instead of "Shut Down" when automatically shutting down.
Uncheck this box to issue a "Shut Down" instead of "Restart" when automatically shutting down.
Click this button if you want your computer to automatically shut down once a day or once a week.
Click this button if you want your computer to automatically shut down once a day or once a week.
Click this button if you want your computer to automatically shut down a certain number of minutes after this application is launched
Click this button if you want your computer to automatically shut down a certain number of minutes after this application is launched
Click this button if you want your computer to automatically shut down after a number of minutes from the time you click "OK"
Click this button if you want your computer to automatically shut down after a number of minutes from the time you click "OK"
The time of day that the automatic shutdown will occur. You may type time in like "2:00:00 PM", "2:00 pm", "14:00", etc.
The time of day that the automatic shutdown will occur. Dimmed because "Time of day" hasn't been clicked.
Check this button if you want your computer to shut down automatically once a week.
Uncheck this button if you want your computer to shut down automatically daily, instead of once a week.
This is the day of the week that a weekly automatic shutdown will occur (hold down mouse and release over the desired day to select another day)
This is the day of the week that a weekly automatic shutdown will occur. Dimmed now because both "Time of day" and "Shutdown weekly on" have not been clicked.
The number of minutes after this application is launched that an automatic shutdown will occur
The number of minutes after "OK" is clicked that an automatic shutdown will occur
Click this button if you want to require a response from the user before an automatic shutdown occurs.
Click this button if you want to require a response from the user before an automatic shutdown occurs.
Click this button if you want to give a warning, but not require a response from the user before an automatic shutdown occurs.
Click this button if you want to give a warning, but not require a response from the user before an automatic shutdown occurs.
The number of seconds that a warning will be displayed before an automatic shutdown occurs
Check this button if you only want to automatically shut down one time only, instead of every time your computer is turned on.
Uncheck this button if you want to automatically shut down every time your computer is turned on (i.e., a daily shut down will occur EVERY day)
Number of seconds after shutdown items are launched before "Shut Down" or "Restart" occurs.
Check this if you want to shut down without being stopped by such things as unsaved work in an open application
Uncheck this if you want to execute a shut down which behaves just like the Finder "Shut Down" (unsaved work will stop the shutdown process)
Click this button, or press COMMAND PERIOD, to cancel the automatic shutdown
Click this button to skip the delay and do the automatic shutdown right now.
Number of seconds until automatic shutdown will occur (shutdown items will be launched, and actual shutdown will occur some time later)
Click this button to quit without launching items found in Shutdown Items folder